Location of fabled million-dollar Fenn treasure revealed
JACKSON, Wyo. -- Author Forrest Fenn revealed this week where he had hidden his treasure chest filled with over a million dollars in loot. According to the author, the treasure was hidden in Wyoming.
The treasure was reported to have been found by a man from "back east," though Fenn declined to reveal the man's identity. The author and adventurer hasn't disclosed exactly where the treasure chest was found or who found it. Fenn said that the man who found it requested anonymity, a request that the Fenn says he will respect.
Fenn posted to his website on June 6 that the treasure was found. He has since received many requests for more information from people searching for the treasure for years. They said that they wanted closure and that he should reveal a bit more.
Fenn posted the following to his web site: "Many of the searchers for my treasure had solves that seemed to neatly fit the clues in my poem. Then when the finder found and retrieved the treasure, other searchers wondered how close they had been to the right spot. Because I promised the finder I would not reveal who found it or where, I have remained mostly silent. However, the finder understands how important some closure is for many searchers, so today he agreed that we should reveal that the treasure was found in Wyoming. Until he found the treasure, the treasure had not moved in the 10 years since I left it there on the ground, and walked away."

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