NEWS: National Weather Service Issues Flood Warning for Gallatin County

Residents of Gallatin County be warned: the National Weather Service has issued a flood warning for Northwestern Gallatin County and Southern Broadwater County through 6:45 PM Friday, January 15th.
The reason is that, due to the unseasonably warm weather, ice jams are quickly filling up the channel, with the water level nearly at the banks. It is more than possible that the water will overtake the banks soon.
As the National Weather Service says, "Ice Jams are unpredictable. River levels may rise or fall quickly with little notice. Livestock or equipment near the river should be moved to higher ground if safe to do so." Later on in their press release they include this sage advice: "Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flood
deaths occur in vehicles."
If you notice any flooding in the area mentioned, please report it to the National Weather Service and, above all, be safe.

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