NEWS: Gale-Force Winds and Accumulating Snow Expected for Northern Montana

Folks in northern Montana will have to fight to keep their hats on their head should they go outside later this afternoon, according to a warning from the National Weather Service. Areas including Browning, Choteau, Cut Bank and others will see wind in advance of a Pacific Front today, and it could get nasty.
They warn of wind up to 55 MPH with areas particularly prone to wind experiencing occasional gusts of up to 75 MPH. Wind at that speed and ferocity has been known to uproot telephone polls and knock over semi-trucks.
Consequently, some areas may be without power if the power lines go down. And drivers of "high profile" vehicles might want to consider pulling into a truck stop and waiting the wind out, if at all possible. This goes double if you plan on towing anything.
Please be careful out there - wind like that is liable to be very dangerous, and the NWS expects it to be severe.

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